Water and Sanitation

Water and Sanitation loans

In this connection we have designed products such as loans for construction of Toilets, Toilet cum bathroom, Purchase of Water filter including RO water purifier, Construction of sump, Overhead tank an repairs to the existing toilets.


Members of the SHG group who have already availed general purpose loan once

Unit costs

Sl.No Name of the Product Maximum unit cost Remarks
1 Water Filter ` 3,000/- Which includes cost of additional battery kit
2 Water Connection ` 5,000/-
3 Water connection with sump ` 10,000/-
4 Toilet ` 15,000/-
5 Toilet cum bathroom ` 20,000/-
6 Toilet renovation ` 10,000/-
Loan tenure

Based on the cash flow of the house hold and the maximum loan tenure is 24 months with monthly repayments.

Interest rate

• All loans are with interest rate of 24%.
• Interest is not compounded and on reducing balance.