VCCI Objective


• To provide micro loans to those household which are identified as family Below Poverty Line.

• To cater microfinance services to special category of individuals i.e. Widow, transgender and Persons with Disability.

• To provide financial assistance to Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes and to other minority/backward classes.

• To provide financial assistance for access to safe water & sanitation.

• To provide technical assistance so that the poor become self-sufficient by accumulating and creating their own capital through savings from increased income.


• To provide financial assistance for economic empowerment.

• To offer tailor made, need based products for catering to every life cycle need of the clients.

• To form and promote Self Help Groups(SHGs) /Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) of the Poor, Women, Needy, Oppressed, and to attain improvement in their socio-economic condition through economic activities.

• To give priority to women and to involve them directly in production activities through Self-help groups and access to finance, so that the opportunities are created for additional income.

VCCI conducts its work in socially responsible, ethical and transparent manner to demonstrate commitment and respect towards all stakeholders including clients, employees, and their family. Its mission and vision is aligned towards social and financial development of communities, while being environmentally conscious in its operational activities.


To be the leading client-friendly micro finance institution
of India by extending financial services to 1 lakh clients by 2025.


To bring about socio-economic empowerment of the poor and low income groups,
through client-led, quality financial services.